Uncle Nadador, navigator for you
date:2024-05-13 | visits:57

Tio Nadador, navegador para ti

A simple browser that only loads the main domain website

Tio Nadador7upDown Play works like a browser, but with a very specific feature, which can be useful in certain scenarios. Tio Nadador only loads website content from the domain you indicate, and will list the domains of other websites from which you want to load content, so you can decide whether to allow it or not, which allows you to visit websites in a cleaner and faster way . It also has a list of preloaded domains that make the experience more bearable. Useful for sites that load unimportant elements from many other places. Don't browse, nothing calm ;)

External: will load the website with all the material from the different domains, as it would in any browser

Stream: when it is detected that the website has loaded a streaming video, it will be loaded in an independent player, for greater viewing convenience

Video: when it is detected that the page will display a video, it will be loaded in an independent player, for greater viewing convenience.

List: allows you to choose which external sources you will allow to be used when visiting the page, whether CDN elements or similar, depending on the user's needs. It has elements loaded by default.

DoubLe Fortune

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