Catholic Connect
date:2024-05-28 | visits:46

Catholic Connect

A super app for Catholics in India to stay more connected with the Church

Catholic Connect is a mobile app for Catholics in India to stay better connected with the Church in multiple ways. It is also a collaboration and networking platform.

Spiritual Connection: The app helps users with daily readings, daily prayers, festivals and other information to stay rooted in the Catholic faith. The app can also be used to live stream masses and other church-related programs.

Parish connection: As a Catholic, you can find the nearest church, connect with the parish, receive the latest news and announcements from the parish/doicese/Vatican.

Power of Community: The app offers multiple services that leverage the power of the community and network. Services can be in various areas, including, among others, education, health, employment, etc.

Collaboration: Catholics in India can use this app to stay connected with other parishioners, businesses and organizations that provide services to Catholics. They could collaborate and obtain mutual benefits suited to their needs.

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